View Full Version : giup do tui diii!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

10-10-2004, 08:52 PM
Tui moi co ban gai. She is a virgin. Ban gai tui khong co kinh hang thang. Sometime she doesn't have it for 3 months. The last time she had her period for 10 days, and about 5 days later ( 15 days from the day she had period) we fooled around. I didn't put it in. I just put my soldier outside her "chim"....Is it safe to avoid prenangcy?

10-11-2004, 07:21 PM
It's hard to shoot at a moving target! You can't pin down the exact time! Ejaculation outside of the vagina usually put the little soldiers in harm's way before they can get to the target. But you must ensure that they are deposited way far from the Bermuda triangle and wash them off ASAP!

Ever try a quality condom!? You may like it!