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10-03-2003, 09:36 AM
Chao ca dai ca va cai dai ti. Bruce co chuyen nay muon hoi cac anh cac chi. La I've been going out with this girl for like 4 months and Bruce ratr la thuong em nang. Cau hoi cua Bruce la biet the nao la nang con trinh hay khong?Because next month is my birthday and we're planning to "that". It's really important to me, you know I don't wanna lose my virginity to someone who already did, you know. Bruce con co mot cau hoi nua. Neu nhu ban gai cua minh lie about her ex-bf thi sao?Vi ban gai cua Bruce bao la chua co ai ca truoc khi cap voi Bruce nhung Bruce find out la she co cap voi mot nguoi truoc do khoang 2 thang. Bruce co nen hoi chuyen nay voi she khong?

10-04-2003, 03:02 AM
I don't like to say this and you gonna hate me for this, but ....."grow up" Bruce!! Cai' quan tro.ng ho*n la` cai' ti`nh, cai' ca' ta'nh... how she feels about you... not her virginity is first priority. My suggestion is if you love her, then love her and do that with your love... just disregard of her past nor her virginity.
You probably don't think that I am right...but down the road, you will see that my advice is valuable.

10-04-2003, 09:57 AM
I feel the same way. When I started dating 20 years ago, I found myself in a similar situation as you, and I wondered about the same things that you are thinking about right now. It's very normal, since sex and dating are also a learning process. Over time, I learned the hard way, and you know what, what Bro hamchoi said is very true.

Next month is your BD, and your gf has agreed to be intimate with you. That to me is a clear indication of her honesty and her sincerity in your relationship. That is more important than whether she's still a virgin or whether she had a bf before. True love comes in many forms, and having the hymen intact is not an indication of whether the relationship will be successful or not.

So take the advices in these posts and don't think too hard, go with the flow, don't listen to the jealous gossips from other people about your gf. What's important is what's being said between you and her. Enjoy the moment, enjoy her company, enjoy the fun you have with her. It will be some of the best memories of your lives, both for you and for her.

Good luck, my friend.


10-04-2003, 10:53 AM
Yes, I agreed with tbtb. No matter what, love can only fullfil by both side. If you both trust each other. Than just go as ur heart flow, So rumor is such thing u should ignore. If she already said that would be a giftThis remind me, when the first me and my gf just get into this situation. It was great. And the most memorial to me too. Just be yourself, and be honest with her. I bet you would remember that day forever. Good luck and enjoy ur sex life.

10-04-2003, 11:30 AM
Exactly!!!! Mấy huynh nói tbtb wá xá! tài ba tài ba!

Bruce is young and restless! Let him have his moments and his reasons! But dear Bruce, love and life have much more to gain and loose than virginity.

Because you are so concerned, just ask her directly about her virginity, tell her about yours, and take them all in with a grain of salt, leave it as it is, enjoy your time together. Be happy be loved!

Otherwise, you have to be a trained medical professional to tell whether your gf is still a virgin. Hearsays and gossips just do not mix with intimacies and love.

Regarding her ex (?), let her take her time to tell you, the guy might just be a nobody, if you insisted that the "nobody" guy was your gf's ex and confronted her then you set yourself up to be a fool!

Best of luck!

10-04-2003, 06:17 PM
Wow, I really did not know that someone would ever replied my question. I really wanna thanks HAMCHOI01, tambaytamba, Toi_Va_Em and cangcung for all of your advices and thoughts. I really appreciate that you guys take a time to write me bak. I just wanna say you guys are right it really doesn't matter what is her past or virginity, but how I fell about her and how deep we both love each other, am I right? Anyway I wanna thanks you guys one more time and say that I'm really greatfull. And hoppefully there will be more people out there like you guys, who are willing to help nhung nguoi unexperienced nhu Bruce. Cam on cac dai ca nhieu lam.

10-05-2003, 08:40 PM
so mấy bro. trong đây đã góp ý cho Bruce rồi đó , giờ chỉ còn chờ sau BD của Bruce thì post lên tình hình " lúc ấy " ra sao , có hồi hộp khẩn trương không đễ anh em thưỡng thức mà viết thành truyện để post lên CTT cho bà con đọc chơi, :lol: :lol:

12-02-2003, 01:35 PM
Lấy dao hay súng hỏi thì cô ta trả lời liền chớ gì. Muốn cặp chơi thì cần thiết gì, còn nếu cặp đàng hoàng thì tôn trọng người ta một chút, tình yêu hay là tình dục, tùy bác chọn.

12-11-2003, 06:49 AM
Chao ca dai ca va cai dai ti. Bruce co chuyen nay muon hoi cac anh cac chi. La I've been going out with this girl for like 4 months and Bruce ratr la thuong em nang. Cau hoi cua Bruce la biet the nao la nang con trinh hay khong?Because next month is my birthday and we're planning to "that". It's really important to me, you know I don't wanna lose my virginity to someone who already did, you know. Bruce con co mot cau hoi nua. Neu nhu ban gai cua minh lie about her ex-bf thi sao?Vi ban gai cua Bruce bao la chua co ai ca truoc khi cap voi Bruce nhung Bruce find out la she co cap voi mot nguoi truoc do khoang 2 thang. Bruce co nen hoi chuyen nay voi she khong?

em vào đây mà coi cho biết

12-11-2003, 04:03 PM
vanquynh ui ko có cái nào chỉ làm sao nhìn CQSD của Nam đã bị mất trinh ra sao cả ???

^.^ keke

12-13-2003, 02:12 PM
Của Nam mà biết mất hay không thì chỉ có thàng chủ của con cu biết thôi.

12-15-2003, 01:38 AM
Sau đây là vài hình graphic cho thấy màng trinh, mà tui không hiểu cái ứng dụng của màng trinh là gì nữa? , chắc ông thượng đế là đàn ông qúa, tạo ra màng trinh để cho mấy đực rựa biết tui là người đầu tiên đây?


Muốn biết con trai còn trinh hay không?, dễ lắm, hỏi nó, nó nói liền hà.. :lol:

12-16-2003, 06:57 PM
trời đất ơi, nhìn trong hình của chú lý sự đói, muh conmuoi nghĩ mai mốt chắc ko chơi bài "bú" biếc gì của mấy chú wá, nhìn nó ghê ghê híc híc

chắc ông thượng đế là đàn ông qúa, tạo ra màng trinh để cho mấy đực rựa biết tui là người đầu tiên đây?

có lý à nha kekeke

12-17-2003, 01:43 PM
Thiệt là tiếc!

Xem mấy pix của huynh lsd rồi là tui thấy tiếc hùi hụi! Hồi tui làm lasik, cha eye doctor đeo cho tui cái màng gì mà đen thui. Biết có loại màng ngon lành như dzậy là tui đòi phải cho tui đeo cái màng loại này cả tuần lễ mới đã ... mắt!!! :evil: